Press Notes | Date |
M.Pharmacy(PCI) (All Specializations) I & III-Semester (Main & Backlog) and II-Semester (Backlog) Examinations, March-2025
| 22-03-2025 |
Revaluation and Photocopy details of BHMCT & BCTCA (Main & Backlog) Examinations, November/December-2024
| 22-03-2025 |
MBA (Evening) and MBA (Tech. Mgmt-Evening) I-Semester (Regular) Examinations, April-2025
| 20-03-2025 |
Photocopy of MBA (CBCS) /MBA(Tech.Mgmt-Day) MBA (Evening)/MBA (TTM) Examinations, January-2025
| 20-03-2025 |
Revaluation details of P.G>Diploma in Early Intervention Examinations, October-2024
| 18-03-2025 |
M.Ed I-Semester (Regular) Examinations, March-2025
| 17-03-2025 |
Circular regarding UG (BA/B.Com/B.Sc/B.Sc (Hons)/ B.S.W/BBA (All Courses)) Internanl/Practical/SEC/Project/Viva-Voce Examinations.
| 17-03-2025 |
Revised Notification of BCA (CBCS) II, IV & VI Semesres Regular and All Semesters Backlog Examinations - March 2025
| 15-03-2025 |
Photocopy of M.Ed (Special Education) III & IV Semester Regular and Backlog Examinations, December-2024
| 13-03-2025 |
Circular regarding submission of PG I & III -Semester (Regular) Practical, Internals, Seminar & Project Work Marks.
| 13-03-2025 |
Circular for PG One Time Chance regarding Conducting of Practicals/Seminar/Project Work.
| 13-03-2025 |
Extension of Last Date for Submission Ph.D Course Work Examination Application Forms
| 13-03-2025 |
Circular regarding submission of B.Ed I & III Semesters (Regular) Internal & Practical Marks
| 03-03-2025 |
Photocopy of M.Ed (Regular & Backlog) Examinations, March-2025
| 27-02-2025 |
Circular regarding submission of B.P.Ed & D.P.Ed I-Semester (Regular) Internal & Practical Marks.
| 25-02-2025 |
Circular regarding submission of M.P.Ed I-Semester (Regular) Internal & Practical Marks.
| 25-02-2025 |
Extension of Payment of UG (CBCS) BA/B.Com/B.Sc/B.Sc (Honours)/BBA/BSW Examination Fee April-2025
| 25-02-2025 |
M.Phil in Rehabilitation Psychology I-Year Part-1 (Regular) Examinations, March-2025
| 21-02-2025 |
M.Phil in Clinical Psychology (Two Years Course) I-Year Part-I (Regular) Examinations, March-2025
| 20-02-2025 |
LL.B (3-YDC), LL.B Honours(3-YDC) , BA(LL.B), BB.A LL.B & B.Com LL.B (5-YDC) III-Semester (Regular) Examinations, Mar/Apr-2025
| 20-02-2025 |
LLM I & III -Semester (Regular) Examinations, March/April-2025
| 20-02-2025 |
Extension of Last date for submission of MCA Examination Application Forms, March-2025
| 20-02-2025 |
Professional Diploma in Clinical Psychology (One Year Course) Regular Examinations, March-2025
| 20-02-2025 |
Psy.D Clinical Psychology I-Year (Regular) Examinations, March-2025
| 20-02-2025 |
MBA (Evening) and MBA (Tech. Mgt-Evening) III-Semester (Regular) Examinations, March-2025
| 20-02-2025 |
Revised Press note of UG (YWS) PGRRCDE (BA/B.Com./BBA I, II & III YEAR Supplementary Examinations December 2024
| 20-02-2025 |
Ph.D Course Work (Regular, Backlog & One Time Chance) Examinations, March/April-2025
| 18-02-2025 |
Junior/Senior Diploma in French/German (Regular) Examinations, April-2025
| 18-02-2025 |
Revised Notification of B.Pharmacy(PCI) (Main & Backlog) Examinations, February-2025
| 17-02-2025 |
Revaluation and Photocopy details of Post Graduation Diploma in Data Science & Advanced Diploma in Data Science (PGRRCDE) Main & Backlog Examinations, November/December - 2024
| 17-02-2025 |
Revaluation and Photocopy details of UG(YWS) PGRRCDE BA/B.Com/BBA Supplementary Examinations, December-2024
| 15-02-2025 |
Extension of last date for submission of B.Pharmacy Examination Application Forms, March-2025
| 14-02-2025 |
Revaluation and Photocopy details of BCA (CBCS) Main & Backlog Examinations, Aug/Sep-2024
| 13-02-2025 |
Ph.D Course Work Backlog Examinations,March/April-2025
| 13-02-2025 |
Photocopy and Challenge Valuation of PGRRCDE MBA I & III Semester (Regular) Examinations, Oct/Nov-2024
| 12-02-2025 |
M.Sc. Chemistry (5 Yrs Integrated Course) (Regular) Examinations, Feb/Mar-2025
| 12-02-2025 |
M.E/M.Tech (AICTE) I-Semester (Main) and Re-Registered Students Examinations, March-2025
| 12-02-2025 |
BS-MS (Computer Science- Five Years Integrated Dual Degree Program) (Regular) Examinations, March-2025
| 12-02-2025 |
Photocopy & Challenge Valuation of PG Courses II & IV-Semester (Regular) Examinations, Sep/Oct-2024
| 11-02-2025 |
Revaluation and Photocopy details of PG Diploma in Computer Applications (CDE) (Main) Examinations, October-2024
| 08-02-2025 |
Revaluation and Photocopy details of MCA (CDE) (Main) Examinations, September/October-2024
| 08-02-2025 |
Extension of Last date for submission of PG (MA/M.Com/M.Com (IS)/M.Sc/MSW/M.Lib.Sc/MJ&MC) III-Semester (Regular) Examination Application Forms, February-2025
| 07-02-2025 |
B.Ed III-Semester (Regular) Examinations, March-2025
| 06-02-2025 |
Photocopy and Challenge Valuation of PGRRCDE MA/M.Com & M.Sc Previous and Final Year Examinations, August-2024
| 06-02-2025 |
UG (CBCS) BA/B.Com/B.Sc/B.Sc(Honours)/BBA/BSW IV & VI (Regular) and I,II,III,IV,V & VI Semester (Backlog) Examinations, April-2025
| 06-02-2025 |
Extension of Last date for submission of PG I-Semester (Regular) Examination Aplication Forms, February-2025
| 05-02-2025 |
M.P.Ed. I-Semester (Regular) Examinations, March-2025
| 04-02-2025 |
M.Sc (Sports Nutrition) III-Semester (Regular) Examinations, February-2025
| 04-02-2025 |
M.Sc (Applied Nutrition) III-Semester (Regular) Examinations, February-2025
| 04-02-2025 |
B.Ed. Special Education (ID,LD,HI & ASD) I-Semester (Regular) Examinations, March-2025
| 04-02-2025 |
Photocopy details of LLM II-Semester Regular & I-Semester (Backlog) Examinations, November-2024
| 03-02-2025 |
Revaluation and Photocopy details of LL.B(3-YDC), LL.B (Honours) (3-YDC), BA.LLB(5-YDC)/BBA.LLB (5-YDC) & B.Com. LL.B (5-YDC) Regular & Backlog Examinations, November-2024
| 03-02-2025 |
Revaluation and Photocopy details of B.Ed (CBCS) II-Semester (Regular) and I-Semester (Backlog) Examinations, November-2024
| 03-02-2025 |
Revised Notification of B.Ed I-Semester (Regular) Examinations, March-2025
| 31-01-2025 |
B.Pharmacy (PCI) III,V & VII Semester (Main & Backlog) and II,IV & VI Semester(Backlog) Examinations, Jan/Feb-2025
| 31-01-2025 |
B.Pharmacy (PCI) I-Semester (Main & Backlog) Examinations, Jan/Feb-2025
| 31-01-2025 |
M.Ed. (Special Education) I-Semester (Regular) Examinations, March-2025
| 31-01-2025 |
MCA (CBCS) (2-Years) Course I & Sem (Main & BAcklog), II & IV-Sem (Backlog) Examinations, January/February-2025
| 29-01-2025 |
PG (MA/M.Com/M.Sc/MSW/M.Lib.Sc/MJ & MC) CBCS III- Semester (Regular) Examinations, February-2025
| 28-01-2025 |
Extension of date for submission of PG (MA/M.Com/ M.Com(IS)/MSW/ M.Lib.Sc/MJ &MC) I-Semester (Regular) Examination Application Forms, February-2025
| 28-01-2025 |
BASLP (CBCS) (Regular,Backlog and One Time Chance) Examinations, 2025
| 28-01-2025 |
Revaluation and Photocopy details of UG (CBCS) BA/B.Com/B.Sc/BBA/BSW Semester I,III & V (Regular) Examinations, November/December-2024
| 27-01-2025 |
Revaluation and Photocopy details of Pharm-D(6-YDC & 3-YDC) Main & Backlog Examinations, Aug/Sep-2024
| 25-01-2025 |
M.Sc. (IS) (CBCS) I,II, III & IV Semester (Backlog) Examinations, January/February-2025
| 22-01-2025 |
Extension of Date for submission of MBA(CBCS), MBA(Tech.Mgmt-Day)and MBA( TTM) I-Semester (Regular) Examination Application Forms
| 21-01-2025 |
UG B.ASLP (CBCS) Regular & Backlog IV Year (Internship)
| 21-01-2025 |
Circular regarding Submission of M.A.Oriental Languages (CBCS) Semester I & III Internal Marks.
| 18-01-2025 |
B.P.Ed & D.P.Ed I & III Semester (Regular) Examinations, February-2025
| 17-01-2025 |
M.A Oriental Languages (CBCS) Semester I & III (Regular) Examinations, February-2025
| 17-01-2025 |
M.Sc (Audiology) ,M.Sc (Speech Language Pathology) & MASLP I & III Semester (Regular) Examinations, February-2025
| 17-01-2025 |
PG (MA/M.Com/M.Sc/MSW/M.Lib.Sc/MJ & MC) (CBCS) I-Semester (CCE-Regular) Examinations, February-2025
| 17-01-2025 |
Osmania Language Certificate Course (Regular & Backlog), Pre-Degree Course I & II Year (Regular & Backlog), BA(Languages) (YWS) & MA (Languages) (YWS) Backlog Examinations, March/April-2025
| 17-01-2025 |
Photocopy and Challenge Valuation of M.Sc (Audiology) and M.Sc (Speech-Language Pathology) Examinations, October-2024
| 17-01-2025 |
Bachelor in Interior Design(CBCS) I-Semester (Regular) Examinations, January-2025
| 10-01-2025 |
BBA/MBA (5-Yrs Integrated Course) I,III,V,VII & IX Semester (Regular) Examinations, February-2025
| 09-01-2025 |
M.Sc. (Molecular & Human Genetics) I & III-Semesters (Regular) Examinations, January-2025
| 09-01-2025 |
Circular regarding Submission of U.G(CBCS) BFA III, IV, V , VII & IX -Semesters (Regular) Internal and Practical Marks
| 08-01-2025 |
Revised Revaluation Notification of BBA/MBA (5-Yrs. Integrated course) (Regular & Backlog) Examinations, Sep/Oct-2024
| 08-01-2025 |
Photocopy and Challenge Valuation of BBA/MBA. (5-Yrs. Integrated Course) VII to X-Semester (Regular & Backlog) Examinations, Sep/Oct-2024
| 07-01-2025 |
Photocopy and Challenge Valuation details of M.A. (L) (CBCS) II & IV Semesters Regular and I, II & III Semesters Backlog Examinations - October 2024
| 07-01-2025 |
Bachelor of Fashion Technology (CBCS) Regular & Backlog Examinations, January-2025
| 07-01-2025 |
Bachelor of Fashion Technology (CBCS) I-Semester (R-24) (Main) Examinations, January-2025
| 03-01-2025 |
LL.B(3-YDC) and LL.B. Honours(3-YDC) V-Semester (Regular) and BA.LL.B (5-YDC), BBA.LL.B(5-YDC) & B.Com. LL.B (5-YDC) V, VII & IX-Semester (Regular) Examinations, Jan/Feb-2025
| 03-01-2025 |
MBA (Tourism & Travel Management) I-Semester (Regular) Examinations, February-2025
| 03-01-2025 |
MBA (Tech. Management-Day) I-Semester (Regular) Examinations, February-2025
| 03-01-2025 |
Masters Degree in Hospital Management (MDHM) I-Semester (Regular) Examinations, January/February-2025
| 03-01-2025 |
MBA (CBCS) I-Semester (Regular) Examinations, February-2025
| 03-01-2025 |
BE ( AICTE) III Semester (Main) Examinations - February 2025
| 02-01-2025 |
Re-Revised Notification of BE (AICTE, CBCS & Non-CBCS) (Main & Backlog ) Examinations - January / February 2025
| 30-12-2024 |
MBA (CBCS) III-Semester (Regular) Examinations, January-2025.
| 28-12-2024 |
MBA (Evening) V - Semester (Regular) Examinations, January-2025.
| 28-12-2024 |
MBA (Tech. Management - Day) III-Semester (Regular) Examinations, January-2025.
| 28-12-2024 |
MBA (Tourism and Travel Management) III-Semester (regular) Examinations, January-2025.
| 28-12-2024 |
Revaluation and Photocopy details of Bachelor of Fashion Technology (CBCS) Main & Backlog Examinations, Jul/Aug/Sep-2024
| 24-12-2024 |
Revised Notification of BE (AICTE, CBCS, Non-CBCS) (Main & Backlog ) Examinations - January / February 2025
| 21-12-2024 |
Revised Notification of BE(AICTE, CBCS & Non-CBCS) Main & Backlog Examinations, January/February-2024
| 13-12-2024 |
LL.B (3-YDC), LL.B Honours(3-YDC), BA. LL.B (5-YDC), BBA.LL.B (5-YDC) and B.Com LL.B (5-YDC) I-Semester (Regular) Examinations, January/February-2025
| 13-12-2024 |
Master of Management Studies(MMS) II-Semester (Regular) Examinations, January-2025
| 10-12-2024 |
Circular regarding submission of M.P.Ed III-Semester (Regular) Internal & Practical Marks
| 07-12-2024 |
B.E (AICTE,CBCS , Non-CBCS & Bridge Course) Main and Backlog Examinations, January/February - 2025
| 05-12-2024 |